Alopecia areata commonly known as alopecia is a common autoimmune disorder. It sometimes results in unpredictable hair loss, baldness and hair fall.
In most cases, hair falls or hair loss out in small patches around the size of a quarter. For many people, the hair loss or baldness is nothing more than a few patches, though in some cases it can be more extreme and lead to baldness. It can affect both men and women of all ages but most cases happen before the age of 30.
Many men and women say they suffered from alopecia and it led to complete loss of hair on the scalp.
A Big Question: What Are The Benefits Of Yoga To Prevent & Cure Alopecia? (Here, we will discuss it later part of the blog post, before that, I will discuss the causes and symptoms of alopecia, its diagnosis and potential treatment that can cure or prevent this issue.)
Facts On Yoga and Alopecia
Here are the key things about alopecia areata.
- 1 in 5 people with this issue also has a family member who has suffered from earlier.
- This issue sometimes develops all of a sudden without any actual cause and over the course of just a few days, may be for a week or month.
- There is little scientific evidence that this issue is caused by stress, but sometimes few doctors say alopecia is related to stress.
- People with this issue who only have few patches of hair loss or fall sometimes experience a spontaneous full recovery sans the need for the treatment.
- Sometimes alternative medicines, like Ayurveda or Homeopathy can cure alopecia areata.

Treatment Of Alopecia Areata
There is currently no cure for alopecia areata, though there are some forms of treatment, like homeopathy or Ayurveda that can be suggested by doctors to help the hair re-grow more quickly.
The most common form of alopecia treatment is the use of corticosteroids, strong anti-inflammatory drugs which is used to suppress the immune system via local injections, ointment application or often orally.
Yoga for Alopecia
You would be amazed that all but 35-million men and 21-million women suffer from hair loss or baldness.
Losing hair truly feels awful. It indicates the health condition of your body and mind as well. You may not be able to escape hair loss or baldness, but you can slow down the process.
There are multiple factors contributing to hair loss or baldness, such as:
- Genetic and hormonal disorders
- Eating habits
- Drugs and Diseases
- Hair dyes and Dandruff
- Smoking
Moreover, many doctors believe that the biggest factor is stress!
Yes, stress and anxiety can be fought with Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation and Diet. Yoga promotes blood circulation to specific parts of your body like the scalp. You must know that sufficient oxygen supply to the scalp prevents hair loss, thus, it can prevent baldness and alopecia. Let us discuss which yoga poses are truly effective for alopecia if you are looking for the answer on yoga for alopecia or yoga for baldness.
Yoga for hair fall / Yoga for Baldness / Yoga for Hair Loss / Yoga for Alopecia
All types of forward bending yoga poses enhance blood circulation in your head region. These yoga poses help in maintaining scalp hygiene and good for hair. Thus effective yoga for alopecia or baldness you can try at home. Regular practice is recommended to get positive results.

Adho Mukha Savasana (Downward Dog Pose)
When we talk about yoga and Alopecia, we talk about this pose. Downward Dog Pose yoga pose enhances your blood circulation to your head region. It is good for sinus blockage and the common cold. It is also helpful for mental tiredness, insomnia and depression.
Utthanasana (Standing Forward Pose)
Standing forward pose is good to reduce fatigue and tiredness. It is good for stress reduction, thus helps re-grow your hair.
Pavanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)
Wind relieving pose eliminates the toxic gas trapped in your intestines and aids digestion. Thus, this yoga pose helps boost your immune system. As this is an auto-immune disorder-related issue, therefore, it is good for your hair re-growth.
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Sarvangasana nourishes the thyroid gland. It also ensures your healthy function of the respiratory, alimentary, genital, and nervous system. In addition, it improves good blood supply to the brain.
Vajrasana (Adamantine Pose)
Vajrasana is also called diamond pose. Unlike other yoga for alopecia, it can be practised immediately after eating your food. This yoga pose helps in urinary issues, weight loss, as well as digestion and also reduces gas in the stomach.

Also, you can practice Pranayama, including yoga and Alopecia that we have discussed here in this blog post. Kapalbhati, Bhastrika and Nadi sodhan Pranayama are good for alopecia.
Disclaimer: You can use yoga for alopecia or Pranayama for alopecia discussed here in general conditions. Also, we are advising you to seek medical consultation for any special conditions. You can also consult with a certified Ayurveda doctor or Homeopathy physician according to the type and condition of your hair loss, baldness or hair fall.