Yoga Pose also called Asana, sometimes called yoga asana. It is explained as posture or poses in general terms. Literally, it is known as the seat. There was only one pose or asana, i.e. stable and comfortable pose for the purpose of a long time seated meditation. The yoga poses or asanas help to open the Nadis or (Energy Channels) in the human body, more than just toning and/or stretching the physical body. Experts say yoga poses or asanas purify and heal the body, control, calm as well as focus human mind.
Here we have given three different yoga levels Beginner Yoga, Intermediate Yoga, and Advanced Yoga.
Yoga for Beginners
Bridge Pose | Garland Pose | Mountain Pose |
Upward Facing Dog Pose | Half Cobra Pose | Camel Pose |
Hare Pose | Chair Pose | Locust Pose |
Cat Pose | Low Lunge Pose | Table Pose |
Right Triangle Pose | Rotation Pose | Crow Pose |
Easy Plow Pose | Reclining Bound Angle | Bow Pose |
Half Moon Pose | Shoulderstand Pose | Peacock Pose |
Bound Angle Pose | Half Boat Pose | Easy Pose |
Tree Pose | Child Pose | Diamond Pose |
Knee Pressure Pose | Corpse Pose | Half Plank Pose |
Forward Bend Pose | Upward Table Pose | Reserve Corpse Pose |
Cow Pose | Greeting Pose | Standing Half Forward Pose |
Yoga for Intermediate Level Practitioners
Downward Facing Dog Pose | Fish Pose | Low Boat Pose |
Garland Pose | Buddhist Stupa Pose | Cow Face Pose |
Bow Pose | Sitting Right Twist Pose | Horse Face Pose |
Warrior I Pose | Dancing Shiva Pose | Great Plow Pose |
Warrior II Pose | Wide Angle Pose | Four-Limbed Staff Pose |
Warrior III Pose | Low Lunge Pose | Mountain Pose |
Cobra Pose | Tree Pose | Sage Twist Pose |
Crane Pose | Half Wheel Pose | Hero Pose |
Camel Pose | Half Moon Pose | Lion Pose |
Plow Pose | Chair Pose | Crocodile Pose |
Plank Pose | Left Toestand Pose | Spinal Bend Pose |
Eagle Pose | Right Toestand Pose | Roller Pose |
Yoga for Advanced Level Practitioners
Crane Pose | Tortoise Pose | Lying Diamond Pose |
Lord of Dance Pose | Headstand Pose | Cobra Pose |
Warrior I Pose | Side Plank Pose | Chair Pose |
Warrior II Pose | Ear Pressure Pose | Peacock Pose |
Warrior III Pose | Hare Pose | Half Lotus Pose |
Bridge Pose | Fish Pose | Complex Lotus Pose |
Lotus Pose | Monkey King Pose | Pendant Pose |
Lying Hero Pose | High Boat Pose | Crocodile Pose |
The different yoga postures produce different results and affect in different ways energetic, mental, emotional as well as a physical being. When you hold a yoga pose or posture, be sure that you can breathe properly, deeply and slowly, using Dirga or Ujjayi Pranayama (breathing exercise). If you are not taking the help of a yoga teacher then watch Yoga Videos for better understanding. You will know how to hold, where should hold and how to stretch when you practice asanas regularly. You may feel pain, fatigue or strain in muscles whether you do not practice asanas or yoga postures on a regular basis. Do not worry at all, regular practice will reduce all issues and you will become an expert. It is better if you take help from a yoga teacher.
When you do yoga, try to practice Pranayam or Breathing exercise – like Surya Bhedan, Udgeeth Pranayam, Bahya Pranayama, Kapalbhati Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama etc. for better results.
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