In this Pranayam (Breathing Exercise), the breath is kept outside in the time of practice, that is why this is called Bahya Pranayama. This Pranayam often called “External Breathing exercise”. Bahya means “outside”. This pranayam should be practiced after Kapalbhati Pranayam (Shining Forehead Breathing Exercise).
Step to Practice Bahya Pranayama:
- At first feel the diaphragm move down, allowing the lungs to expand and forcing the abdomen out and feel your chest expand with your collar bones rising last.
- Exhale forcefully and use your stomach and diaphragm to push air from your body.
- Now touch chin to your chest and suck in your stomach completely though comfortably. You need to do this because the main reason is to leave a hallow below your ribcage, making it look like the front muscle wall of your abdomen is pressed against the back.
- Hold this position with your breath as long as you can do it.
- Now lift your chin and breathe in slowly and allow your lungs completely fill with air.
- You can repeat this process 4-5 times.

Benefits of Bahya Pranayama:
- Bahya pranayama helps to prevent constipation, acidity, gastric issues.
- Cure Hernia completely.
- Helps to cure reproductive organs.
- Very good for diabetic patients.
- Bahya pranayama helps to cure urine and sperm related problems.
- Breathing exercise or Pranayama should practice on empty stomach, if you already had your meal then try to practice after 5-6 hours.
- People suffering from heart diseases, high blood pressure, cervical colitis need to avoid doing this Bahya Pranayam.
- Women should avoid practicing Bahya pranayama in the time of period.
- Consult your doctor and yoga expert to avoid any unnecessary injury and to get the better results.
Happy Practicing!