Reverse Warrior Pose – An Introduction:
In Sanskrit, Reserve Warrior Pose is called Viparita Virabhadrasana. It is a standing yoga pose that stretches your waist and vitalize your whole body. Reverse Warrior Pose or Reverse Warrior Yoga is generally practiced in Vinyasa yoga classes, often as a part of “Dancing Warrior” series which generally moves from Warrior I to Warrior II Yoga Pose and after that it goes directly to the Reserve Warrior Pose. Due to that reason “Reserve Warrior Yoga often called “Dancing Warrior Yoga Pose”.
The name of this Yoga came from the Hindu Mythological Warrior – Virabhadra, known as an embodiment of Lord Shiva. It is said that Virbhadra was tall, dark and ferocious deity, illustrated with thousand arms, burning eyes, hair and wearing a garland of skulls. In Sanskrit, the word “Viparita” meaning “Reverse” and “Asana” meaning “Pose”.
Steps to practice Viparita Virabhadrasana / Reverse Warrior Pose
- At first you need to begin in Warrior II Pose, Now bring your rear hand down to your back leg, and face your palm down.
- Now rotate your front palm upwards in the direction of the sky.
- Inhale a single time and enlarge your front arm up in the direction of the sky, your palm needs to face in the direction of the back of the room.
- Try to keep the hips open when you are in Warrior II posture, but try to outstretch the heart up in the direction of the sky.
- Keep the back side of your neck long and the eye gaze pointing towards the heart.
- Keep bending extremely into the front knee and try to spread your weight in equal amounts on the front foot.
- Now breathe for at least 30-35 seconds.
- Now you should return to Warrior II Pose.
Benefits of Reserve Warrior Pose
- Reverse Warrior Pose or Viparita Virabhadrasana gives strength, stretches your legs, hips, groins, waist and the side of your torso.
- It enhances your flexibility in the spine, ankles, chest and strengthens your inner thighs. The pose also good for shoulders and arms.
- Reverse Warrior develops blood flow in the body, that helps to reduce your fatigue and calms your mind. Regular practice can gives you stamina and reduce back pain as well.
- You should not practice Reverse Warrior Pose whether you have chronic hip, back, knee or shoulder problems or pains or injury.
- You should avoid this pose if you are suffering from high blood pressure and diarrhea.
- All the time work within your abilities, do not pressure in any parts of your body while doing this pose.
- Whether you are in any medical concern, you should consult with your physician.
- Try to take help from a Yoga Expert to avoid mistakes and injuries.
Happy Practicing Reverse Warrior Yoga (Viparita Virabhadrasana)!
See More: Warrior I, Warrior II, Warrior III, All Yoga Poses, Yoga and Anatomy, Yoga – Meditation-Pranayam Videos