Being a beginner in yoga is not easy because regular practice demands a strict discipline in lifestyle and basic habits. Moreover, as a beginner every pose initially creates a challenge in your physical endurance and flexibility. No one can master these yoga for beginners (asanas) in one day. Instead, it is an intense and holistic exercise that must be learned gradually. Before enumerating these ten basic yoga poses, there are some important precautionary things to be considered.
- If you have a chronic disease or recovering from an injury or a major ailment, consult your doctor or yoga teacher.
- Yoga is not a competitive sport. Move with your own pace and listen to your body.
- Be regular in your practice. Do not just leave it because you are unable to touch your toe.
- It is important to maintain a balance between your postures and breathe the right way.
- Everyone has different levels of strength and stamina. It is better to adopt a lifestyle that balances your yoga goal.
Ten Basic Yoga for Beginners
- Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
The most basic of all yoga poses is ‘Mountain Pose’. This posture will improve your steadiness and focus. This yogic asana is a preparatory posture for beginners, which will improve all major groups of muscles and prepare you for more rigorous exercises in Yoga teacher training India.
How to do these yoga for beginners?
Stand erect with feet together and shoulders relaxed. With normal breathing gently lift and spread your toes and the balls of your feet. Balance your body on your feet and gently raise your hands overhead, palms facing each other. Remember, your whole body should be in one line. Initially, you can practice this posture by standing against a wall. For this posture alignment is the most important thing, so check your ears, shoulders, hips and ankles in one line.
- Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
Tree Pose is also a preparatory yogic posture that helps you balance your body. With regular practice, you will eventually understand the sense of grounding of your body with the earth and balance your whole body. It also strengthens your legs and backs.
How to do it?
Stand erect same like ‘Mountain Pose’, and then slowly place your right foot on your left thigh. Initially you might find it difficult to balance but with practice it will be easier to place your leg on your thigh. Your sole should be flat and placed firmly on your thigh. Your left leg should be straight and the whole body is properly aligned to the ground.
Inhale slowly and simultaneously raise your arms over your head and put your palms together. Stay in that position for a 60 seconds and then slowly exhale and bring your hands down. Repeat the position with other leg.
- Adho Mukho Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
This posture will strengthen your hamstrings, and improve blood flow to the head. With regular practicing this asana, your overall energy will increase manifold.
How to do it?
Begin on all with your hands directly under shoulders, knees under your hips. Forward your hands a few inches from your head, and spread fingers wide and press the floor with your palms. Gradually curl your toes and press your hips upward, creating an inverted V position. Your feet should be wide apart and knees slightly bent. Breathe normally.
- Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
‘Triangle Pose’ is a basic yoga exercise that can be mastered within a short span of time. This improves the mobilisation of hips and creates a balance. It also improves the blood circulation in lower body.
How to do it?
Keep your feet wide apart and place your right foot (90 degrees). Keep your right foot closer to your torso and press against the ground. Remember to balance the body with equal distribution of weight on both feet. With normal breathing, keep your right arm touches the ground and left arm goes up. Keep the body straight while doing the arm movement. Do not bend forward or backward while your moving your hands.
- Naukasana (Boat Pose)
‘Boat Pose’ is a basic yoga posture that is immensely helpful in strengthening shoulders and upper back. Boat pose is not a standing exercise but it gives the same sense of stability like other standing yoga postures.
How to do it?
Breathing is important in this posture. First inhale deeply and gradually exhale and simultaneously lift your chest and feet off the ground. Stretch fully your hands in the direction of your feet and keep your eyes, fingers and toes in one line. You can feel a tension in your naval and your abdominal muscles start contracting. Stay in that position for 40-60 seconds and relax.
- Bhujanagasana (Cobra Pose)
‘Cobra Pose’ is not just a basic yoga for beginners, because there are different variations of this yogic asana. However, for beginners, basic cobra pose gives a sense of understanding and benefits of this posture. This posture is the best to strengthen lower back, remove back pain, develop pectoral muscles and improves digestion.
How to do it?
Lie down on your stomach and keep your feet together. Place your hands right below your shoulders, and with normal breathing lift your waist and raise your head. Do as much as you can and minimise the pressure on the hands. You take the support of your hand to lift your torso but the pressure must be on your lower back. Stay in that position for 60 seconds and relax.
- Balasana (Child Pose)
‘Child Pose’ is a basic yoga posture that helps to restore vitality, both physical and mental. The posture is more of a meditative than physical where you need to concentrate on your breathing.
How to do it?
Sit down on your heels bending your knees. Keep your hips on your heels, lower your head on the mat and bring both hands forward by your side. Now keep your thighs close to your chest and breathe slowly. Listen to your breathing and meditate on it.
- Sukhanasa (Meditative Posture)
‘Meditative Posture’ is a comfortable sitting position for pranayama and meditation, one of the most popular yoga for beginners. This posture is important for meditation and gives a sense of centering effect on the body.
How to do it?
Comfortable sit on your mat with crossed legs. Make sure your spine must be straight. You can place your hands on your knees or place on your lap. Relax your body, close your eyes and breathe normally.
- Setu Bandh Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
‘Bridge Pose’ is a basic yoga for beginners, helpful in strengthening muscles of thigh and abdomen.
How to do it?
Lie on your mat on back with knees bent and directly over your heels. Place your both arms at your sides and palms downward. Slowly lift your hips with slight pressure on your feet into floor. Clasp both hands under your lower back till your thighs are parallel to floor. Hold that position for 1 minute.

- Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist Pose)
This is an intermediate yoga for beginners, which has three variants. This posture is immensely beneficial for lower back muscle. Also, this posture will remove sciatica. It will also improve digestion and keep the liver healthy.
How to do it?
Sit with leg extended. Now, fold right foot over outside of left and bend left knee. Now, put your left elbow on your right knee and right hand touches the floor. Twist your back as much as you can without moving forward. Stay in the position for 60 seconds. Repeat the movement with other side.