Everyone wishes they were in better shape and healthier. But, how many people are willing to put in the time and effort to make a real difference in their bodies and their lives? How many exercise programs does a person start only to quit partway through? How can everyone choose the right fitness program and then stay with it for the long run? Getting the correct guidance helps in choosing an exercise program and sticking with it.
Does Getting a Personal Trainer help?
Getting a personal trainer may offer an answer for people who want to get in better shape but need guidance. The benefits of a personal trainer is countless. A personal trainer can help design a fitness program that feels right. A program that is well-suited to a person is more likely to be a program a person can stick with. A personal trainer can make sure the client knows the correct way to do each exercise for the best effect. When a person has the correct plan and guidance, they are less likely to quit.
Why Do People Quit Exercising?
Some of the most documented reasons people fall by the wayside and stop exercising include the following.
1. Life is busy, and people get caught up in daily activities, not taking the time to exercise. This too-busy excuse is a common one.
2. There might be exercise-related injuries causing discomfort. So, a person stops to let the injury heal and then does not restart the exercise program.
3. People decide their exercise program is not fun or enjoyable. The program might be too intense for their fitness level.
4. The person expected instant gratification and did not see fast results from exercising. Exercise results come slowly.
5. The cost of the gym might seem high compared to some other activities. A person may decide they can not afford to go to a gym to exercise.
6. The person might feel too tired to exercise at the scheduled time. It is important to schedule exercise during the most energetic time of day. Try to get better sleep.
7. Some people lack the motivation to keep up with an exercise program. Then they think that, since they did not stick with it before, they will also fail this time.
8. Some people find exercise boring or tedious. Exercising with a friend can make things more enjoyable.
9. Some people feel they are too old, too fat, too skinny, too uncoordinated, or too uncomfortable to exercise around other people.
There are always excuses for not doing things. But, there are also ways to overcome the excuses and hesitancy to exercise on a regular basis. Since it is well-documented that exercising for 30 minutes a day has benefits for everyone, it is important to overcome all the excuses and make time to exercise.
If you want to know the benefits of personal trainer then the best ways to stick with an exercise program is to work with a trainer right from the beginning to design an exercise program that will work for the shape a person is in. Don’t overdo exercise at the beginning and then give up because it proved to be too difficult.
How to Stick With Exercise Plans
Choose exercises that are well-suited to what you want to accomplish with your body. Focus on problem areas for improvement. Have a plan that starts out easy and gentle and then picks up as the body gains strength and endurance. Try different exercises with a trainer and then choose the ones that you can stick with over the long term. Have a variety of different exercises in your plan. Make attainable exercise goals and stick to them.